Blackout Kaleidoscope Adventure

Kaleidoscope Adventure Box

July 29, 2020

Kaleidoscope Collection Boxes are ready to ship to you!

Come along with the Lunatics as we roam along our shelves to collect a premium box of “goodies” bursting with color!  This Kaleidoscope Adventure Box contains full cones, tubes or skeins of yarn plus other amazing products!  We have included a set of project instructions in the collection.  We intend for this project to be your muse, or starting point for using the yarns in the box.  And, of course, we added a few other surprises to make things fun!

The Treasure Hunter collections will contain at least 5 different items, and the Thrill Seeker collections contain at least 10 different items.  These items are not samples.  All of the items come directly off our retail shelves.  You never quite know what will be in the box.  That is the adventure part!  We Lunatics want to give your creativity a boost with luscious, fun yarns!


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